My shift for today was from 2.30pm to 10pm. I went down a bit later than usual. I saw Gladdys at counter 6 which is outside of the NTUC. The position where counter 6 is warm and it kind of remind of me of the training in NCC. Today was the first time i worked at counter 6. I don't mind the heat but there isn't much customers at counter 6. Luckily, there is a promoter and Jin Xiang company otherwise i sure fall asleep. Not much people, i went to arranged the things nicely to kill some time. Then there were some customers were very friend;y. We started a short conversion. There is one particular customer suggested that he should buy the flower just to put it at the prayer altar. I found it funny. No much people buy a pot of flower just to put it at the altar. Isn't it kind of wierd? The promotor left at around 7pm. Still, Jin Xiang is around. Although he went to the office to print something, there is still others. I also noticed there is a paper crane in the drawer of counter 6. It's wings was written "Gladdys was here" and "I folded it. Go me". Something like that, i can't remember much. I hate counter 6's scanner and register. The scanner took a longer time to scan the item and the register did not come out fully =.= . Today was very slack. Jin Xiang brought serval thing including soft drinks, snacks and other stuff to counter 6 and check price. Suddenly, the counter was crowded with the items. But at least i can reduce the risk of getting unbalanced balance. As for the report, i did 3 times. First i got excess of about 20 bucks plus i think. Second time, i got negative 200 bucks. The i recounted again with the help of Auntie Ah Noi, it balanced. I was happy xD. For the first time i balanced!!! YAHOO!! However, it was short-termed happiness as i was being called back to the office again when i was halfway home. The supervisor Eric said i short of 200 cash. I was like "HOLY CRAP". I rushed back to the office again. Later, i went back home. Supervisor Eric said he will check with Karen again. Sigh~ I am a a break again tomorrow. I am going down to the office and check out the matter at least i know am i really short of 200 bucks... Why things have to turn out that way... Why... Auntie Ah Noi and i counted and we got the amount. I really don't what to do now.... WHY!!! T.T
29 Dec 2008
I made a major mistake. I was supposed to work in the morning and i came in the afternoon. I did checked the rooster and i can read the second letter but i can't read the first letter. It was something V. I asked Karen and asked her if it is NV which means i will be working from 3.30pm to 10pm. If it is AV, i will be working in the morning shift. I had the impression that she told me it's NV. When i came in the afternoon, she asked me why i didn't turn up in the morning. I was stunned and i replied, " I thought i was doing in the afternoon shift?". At that time of time, i felt like a retarded person. I don't know why though. Then Zhi Yuan had to go out as he was assigned to the counter outside while i was assigned to counter 1. I was rather distracted because the shift incident. Still, i tried to focus. There is an customer forget to take her toothpaste, she bought the tissue and toothpaste. She took the tissue away but left the toothpaste. I forget to key in the cash float today ==lll. I guess i was really distracted. About 1 or 2 hours before i packed up, there is a father who bought 6 cans of evaporated milk(I know how many he bought as he paid at my counter) who accidentally dropped one can at his child. The child was like just 1 years old +/- . The can hit the head. Of course, the baby cried. One of the customer kind of scolded him. The child stopped crying after a while. After that, i packed up. I was giving up and i thought that it will not balance. The difference will be a lot. I was half correct again. It did not balanced but i have excess of 0.55 bucks. Looks like the situation is slightly stable. Actually, i had to do the report twice as i forget to key in the float. The report showed i had excess of 200.55 bucks. I was stunned. Then, auntie Jasmine asked me if i forget to key in the float earlier on. I thought i did but later i recalled that i did not have the cash float receipt so i said no. After the adjustments, i had excess of 55 cents. Phew~Anyway, auntie Jasmine did helped me to pack stuff and assisted me. Wen Hui also did helped me xD. THANKS. Zhi Yuan had the lowest sales i think, he had only 400++ bucks. He had not much customers and he had lots of coin to count. There is still a long way to go i guess....
28 Dec 2008
Back to blog again. Starting of the work was ok i think. I got my own float today, this made things easier as i still can remember the amount for each bag. Basically, it was alright until a customer who forget to take his stuff. He came back and took it. Before he took it, he kind of told me off. He questioned me why i seperated his stuff. He bought some biscuits and detergent i think. Of course, i have to seperate it right. Or what, you expect me to put together? I said i put it there at the side of the register. He said he didn't see. I was going to replied him"OH WOW, YOU DIDN'T SEE IT. DO YOU WANT ME TO HANG IT UP AND PUT YOUR BIG FAT NAME WITH IT? OR IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR EYES?" Still, i didn't said that as i know what's installed for me after i said that. Then, i made a mistake. A customer bought 2 grapefruit and it supposed to be 70 cents each. But i go keyed in 2 bucks each. Luckily, she came back and tell me. I made the changes for her. So, i refunded 2.60 bucks to her. Next, a customer mixed 2 different drinks. She thought there is discount. I also thought that way too. In the end, there is no discount. She took one drink which is the discount list and the other one is not. Then, i asked for help again. I had to explain a lot of times to her. Because of the first cutomer i mentioned earlier on, i was not in myself. It practically took me awhile to cool myself down. The rest of the time was alright. I even saw one of the primary school teacher. During IT club in primary, we had to do an interview with one of the teacher and my team chosen her to work with. She didn't remember me until i i told who i was. She was really a nice teacher although she didn't teach me before. I even saw my tutor's mum too. She didn't see me though. Gladdys was at counter 2 and i was at counter 3. I think i didn't really talk much today. Towards the ending i was very restless. Today, i got negative 2.75 bucks. This i was i thought "Oh boy, it is getting worse." That point of time, i really need some peace and quiet. I quickly count and get out of there. Sigh. Today was a total bullshit. Gladdys did help me a bit, she chatted with me awhile. That pulled my focus away from the stupid, retarded customers. Tired and restless, i think i going to sleep soon....Yesterday, i even asked wen hui for help in the credit card settlement in terms of the steps. Today, auntie Lisa helped me also. I really grateful for all the help from these people. Thank you.
27 Dec 2008
Back to blog again after a day's work. I was at counter one again like yesterday. It was good start. I did all the paper work. The bumps were during the in between and the ending. In between, there is a customer who bought a lot of things. One of his items is the rices, 5kg rice. His 5 kg rice should be 9 buck ++ but when i scanned it in, it show 18.60. I was like "WOW, THE PRICE SHOT UP LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS." The 10kg rice is 18.40 bucks i think but i can't find the item matched 18.40. So i called karen to void everything and re-scanned everything. Then, there is a customer gave me 1000 bucks note and his purchase total is 61 bucks ++. He practically cleared half of my 50 bucks. I even forget to key in the point for a customer and redeem his link points. Best part for today, i short of 70 cents. I even forget to reprint the credit card report. The float i get today belongs to Gladdys. I found a transparent plastic bag consist of 3 one dollar coin. Gladdys is also a bit scary as she sometimes suddenly appeared behind you. I can't even hear the footsteps. This made me think a lot in terms of Principle Of Accounts. In that subject, i seldom get the account balance and this also happened to my job. Some of the theory also come in as well. Gladdy's float really made my life very easy for me. The first time i get the float, i got a lot of 5 cents and 10 cents coins. This really gave me a hard time. Also, today i met a customer who previously gave my mentor a hard time. Again, a customer bought soft drinks and when i said it was 4 bucks+. She asked me why is it not 3 bucks+. Then she don't want and i have to void it. When i check the price, the price she mentioned is supposed to be H2O soft drink not 100 PLUS soft drink. I was like"This customer's eyes really have problem, major problem.." I was totally exhausted.
26 Dec 2008
Just reached home. After these four days, I felt that there is still a very long way to go. I had excess money for 3 times and once i short of 25 cents. There is 3 times of excess money because today i had excess cash again >< . I had excess of 27.50 bucks. What in the world i have so much excess. I even broke my own record of 20.50 bucks. I think i will have to count a few times to prevent this again. While i was working, i felt a short dull pain at my heart. It happened to me a few times (maybe not only few times but i lost count). Luckily, there wasn't much customers at my shift. Gladdys was working from 3.30pm to 10pm. She kept asking to change coins and even before she was about close, she asked the escort to change coin with her. Also, there was a customer have problem with the trolley. Basically, he wanted to use one and he got 2 out. So he approached me to help. When i saw the situation, i was wondering "Why don't you take a one dollar coin and put it into one?". I asked him did he try that and he replied he did. He can't put the coin into where it supposed to be. I tried and i got it in == . There was also a customer who bought the detergent. That was one of the item on the "Purchase with Purchase" section. I told her that if she did not purchase 25 or above, she will not get the discount and she replied that she still want. After i scanned everything and cashed out the change, she told me that she don't want as it was too expensive. I was speechless, totally speechless. I called the supervisor and refunded the item. Slightly felt discouraged, i guess life is not always a bed of roses.
25 Dec 08
Christmas is here. I would like to wish my friends Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Sigh, time really flies. Well, some of my classmate went back to their homeland. They probably won't return to Singapore. I have no idea when will we have a chance to meet again, only fate knows. One of more classmate is also going back to Nepal and if i did not make a mistake, it should this coming Monday i think. Unfortunately, i am not able to send her off as it is too early. I afraid that it might clash with my working time. Still, I will have to check again. If it did not clash, i will try to make it. I think it will be like last time where i stay overnight at the airport. My friends and i stayed overnight at the airport. We were playing PSP and laptop to keep ourselves occupied. We were awake throughout the night and walked the airport like a few times. Chances of me going to send her off will be low. I miss those days in class. Events like sports day were memorable. I still remembered my class got champion twice. One is for best class participation and the other one.. I am not really sure... The next thing i can think of will be the period during O Level. The last paper for O Level was MCQ Science Paper. After that, we took a class photo. This is the class photo
Sigh, the class is kind of scattered already. After the announcement of result, i think the class will be totally scattered... I really miss the good old times. xD Another day had passed...
24 Dec 08
Today is the first time i doing the second shift. I felt that i was rather comfortable in this shift as compared to the first shift. The shift was practically having war. Customers keep coming like nobody's business. The tendency of making mistake is rather high. The rate of customers coming in during the second shift is lower than the first shift. It may be also due to the weather as it rained the whole day i think. I feel that i work better in the second shift than in first shift. When i reached there, i went to the office to count. I forget to count the 800 bucks. I only count the cash float =.= . That was rather careless of me. This nearly caused a major mistake later on. This nearly caused me a heart attack. Today i was at counter 2 and Gladdys was at counter 3. Again, i did ask her for help occasionally like checking with her the price of the fruits. I would like to thank her for her help. Also, i would like to thank Auntie Lisa as she helped me to count the sales for me. Otherwise, i think i would stuck there for a very long time. And i meant really very long. The cash given to me was short of a sum of money as i didn't count so i have really no idea how much am i short. But i know i short of money. This resulted in a faster rate of using up the coins and notes. Around one hour before i packed, there is a customer came back to take the dog food he bought but it wasn't there. Gladdys was telling him that there is not much she can do since it was been taken by mistake. Later on, i think she did not want to use the coins anymore and so, she like "borrowed" 30 cents from my cash register. Again, IT DID NOT BALANCE AND THIS HAD SERIOUSLY GETTING ON MY NERVES. But this also happened to my Principle Of Account. I did not managed to get it tally about 99% of the time. Although there are times the account are balanced, this because i got reinforcement.... Then the amount first shown was freaking scary. The difference was by 600++ bucks. My heart immediately sank. When i told Karen, she told me that she did not give the correct amount to one of the tray. She concluded that it happened to be mine. i was slightly relieved. After that, she made some changes and i printed out the report the second time round, the difference drop to 25 cents negative. I can't figure out why the 30 cents i "lent"Gladdys turns out to be 25 cents. I did not really bother about it. As that time, i wasn't really in the right mood. I guess it had to do with yesterday. Never mind, what has done can't be undone. Right now, i listening to music again and thinking some of personal memories.... Actually, i am listening to a song tittled "Listen To Your Heart"
23 Dec 2008
Today i woke up at 5.30am to prepare myself. I reached my working place around 6am. The shutters were shut. I went back the back door and left my belonging in the office. The shevles were making the way in very difficult and i had to practically squeezed through =.= I thought i can look at the prices of the fruits again but i was asked to help to push out the shelves. Then i went to collect the money for the cash register. Today was the same. Starting was not smooth. I went a bit slower today. A customer told me that i was slow and i replied her that" Auntie, i want to give the correct change to my customer otherwise laer it will be my fault" She agreed with me. I was tired and restless later in the afternoon around 12pm and i forgot to key in the points for one customers who put the card in front of me. Of course, the customer was angry and scolded me. I didn't really bother him. Today, the line was super freaking long. I thought i will not be able to make it. Luckily, the supervisor and one of the auntie helped me to pack the items. This speed up in reducing the lenght of the line. I was very grateful that they helped me XD. Then, i accidentally keyed in the wrong price. Even worse, i was scanning halfway until i realised all the item was not scan in because of the first item. Everything have to be voided. It was more than 20 bucks T.T . This morning, i started serving a customer who bought 3 items. Then halfway, she want to take another item so i holded her transaction. Second customer come and i served her. I left the first customer on the side of the counter. I also left he second customer's item on the side. The second customer just happily took everything away. When i realised it, it was too late. I called Karren who is my supervisor. Then after that, the case closed. I wondered why are there such people who took other people item and you don't feel gulity at all? Has your conscious been eaten or what? For me, i will quickly return to the NTUC. That customer did not come back to return as expected. Because of this, i thought will have negative amount. So i carried on. Until the end of the day, I HAVE EXCESS AGAIN >< . I felt sian immediately. This time i had excess by 12 bucks ++. Cash had excess by 7 bucks ++ and nets had excess by 4 bucks ++. I SAW THE WORD NETS EXCESS, I WAS LIKE "WHAT IN THE WORLD NETS HAVE EXCESS ALSO". I was already sian le, this made me even more sian ==lll. Some of the supervisor already know my excess of 20 bucks for yesterday. Then, today i broke a record over there and that is to count money. I took me more than 1 hour to count. I had to recount 3 times ><. When i was going off soon, i saw WH and i was rather surprised as she was not working today. Later, i found out that she was called to replaced someone ==lll. She was called 3 hours before hand. I am super tired after today's work. I felt like my back going to break into half. Long time never stand so long since my last parade.
22 Dec 2008
Today is the first day that i opened a counter. Starting was a bit messed up but it was ok after that. Everything was smoothly in the beginning until later, some problems starts to appear. I forget to give some changes to some customers but they did come back to ask their change. I also injured my thumb which rather funny as i was opening the coin and my thumb nail starting to bleed. I was like ' Laugh out loud, this way also can injured my thumb" I would like to thank WH for helping me on my first day. If without her help today, i think would be a goner for sure. Around 10am, i felt that something was wrong and may short of some money. This will cost inbalance of the Trial Balance. I was right but half right. The trial balance was not balance but i did not short of money. I HAD EXCESS MONEY. THE AMOUNT SUM UP TO 20.27 BUCKS. Cash Float was correct. I have no idea where the exceed come from. If i give short for their change, the customers will be back and ask. This doesn't make sense. But look on the bright side, it is not negative amount. Sian, tomorrow have to report in at 0630 hrs. Tomorrow i have to be 10 times alert le. I don't want anymore positive or negative amount. I WANT THE NUMBERS TO BE JUST NICE AND THATS ALL xD. I went home after that and switched on my computer to play some music. Slacking at home~
20 Dec 2008
It had been a week already.Today was slightly messed up. Sigh.... Tomorrow i having a break again xD. Then i am working on monday. Actually this was what happened. The auntie at counter asked me to put the newspaper at the newspaper shelves, so i went to put and there were 2 shelves but i only put one. So the auntie called me to put the other shelves and again, i went to put. After the newspaper, i forget to put the trolley. The counter 5 antie called me again to ask me put the trolley and i apologized for forgeting to put it at the back. Then the counter 4 aunite showed me attitude. I was like "what the hell is your problem? I apologized for my forgetfulness already right. Why the **** do you have to show me attitude? If you are not happy, you go do it yourself la. " Then after that, i went to put the trolley behind and went back to helped out at counter one. Well, yesterday i gave a nickname to a girl and i know it was rather mean of me. So today i confessed to the girl which happened to work at the counter one. I was rather surprised that she was not angry as i expected her to be angry. I guess she is not as petty as i thought. Then for the rest of the day, i think i was practically not myself at all. I have no idea why. I was not able to focus and i almost went into daze. Luckily, the customers kept coming otherwise i would have be in daze.I was really in no mood today. The moment i reached home, i switched on computer and played my favourite music. One day is going to be over soon....
19 Dec 2008
Another day's work is done although i had several heart attacks. Thanks to WH. Just kidding. Actually it was partly my fault. I almost droppped some of the customers' items. Also, i found my best friend in the NTUC which is the CHICKEN xD. Nope, u did'nt see wrongly. There is story behind it. Today i was helping to put the items into the plastic bag. Until one customer bought a chicken, i noticed how WH hold the chicken to scan. I find it funny. She hold it as if she was scared of it. The details i am not really sure but somehow, we talked until the chicken become my best friends. It also become her enemy. I heard that yesterday there were a lot of people buying the toliet paper as it was on offer. Then WH said that she put the toliet paper into the plastic bag until she was scared of it. I was like "Wow, why so many people buy toliet paper when it is on offer?" Tomorrow wll be really busy for me. Sigh~ Never mind, put in my best effort will do. Hope that everything will run smoothly for me and everyone who is working tomorrow in NTUC xD. After work, I went to buy myself a pair of shoes as my current one is considered a goner. When i reached home, i was surfing n Youtube to find any nice music video and i happened to find one. The video shows a guy playing Apologize by Timberland on piano. I was like "Wow, that is so cool". I will put the music in my blog soon... Yawn... Feeling tired and restless, i had my dinner and went to sleep.
Will never give up without a fight...
Will never give up without a fight...
17 Dec 2008
Another day's work is done for now. I am taking a one day's break and will be back to work again. I saw the cashier(or rather mentor) who i argued with yesterday. I didn't really talk to her today as i do not want to argue with her. Until, she came to the counter i was helping out and asked if there is anything to put back to the shelf. I replied her that i had put all the things back to thier original places and she kind of seem unhappy with me again. I guess i had answered at the wrong time...Again, i meet another cashier who mistook me as 17 years old. I was like "Am I really that old??" Maybe it's due to my height. I had tried several times to operate the cash register and so far, I am able to operate. Still, there is a problem. I think my brain space less than 1 mega byte or what. I can't seem to remember all the code nuber for the goods. Now, i have a homework and that is the memorise all the code number >< (At least i have one day to do so). Now, my friend have to report tomorrow and now it's his turn to try xD. I wish him all the best. At this point of time, i still feel that there is lots of room for improvement. Sigh~ I still can remember the first time i went. Every cashier was packing very fast and i was like a slow coach >< . Basically the first day, i was feeling the whole day =.= Right now, there isn't much to write...
16 Dec 2008
I am undergoing training in NTUC. The NTUC near my house.... The workers there are very nice towards me... except for one... as i kept arguing with her.... I had been there for the past 4 days. I felt a bit nervous on the first day as i had no experience in being cashier. From that day on, it was better. Today was not really smooth as i cause my mentor to cancel $40 plus... I felt very paiseh ><>.< One of the cashier saw me reported in before 8am and asked why. Basically, i don't really care about the pay since i am very inexperienced. The main objective to come early is for experience. In the morning, i was able to feel the rush as compared to in the afternoon where customer were not as many as in the morning. I saw some familiar faces, mostly were friends. Of course, i saw some of the teachers too. So far, i find it comfortable working there(cause i help the cashier to pack for now). Seriously speaking, i felt very bad today because of my performance and i even 'hai' one person x.x Sigh....By the way, i know one thing for sure. Today have 3 cashier are about my age and also from Uniformed Group. One from Girl Guide and one from St. John. Girl guide is ok with me.. but St john.... never mind.
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