25 Dec 08
Christmas is here. I would like to wish my friends Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Sigh, time really flies. Well, some of my classmate went back to their homeland. They probably won't return to Singapore. I have no idea when will we have a chance to meet again, only fate knows. One of more classmate is also going back to Nepal and if i did not make a mistake, it should this coming Monday i think. Unfortunately, i am not able to send her off as it is too early. I afraid that it might clash with my working time. Still, I will have to check again. If it did not clash, i will try to make it. I think it will be like last time where i stay overnight at the airport. My friends and i stayed overnight at the airport. We were playing PSP and laptop to keep ourselves occupied. We were awake throughout the night and walked the airport like a few times. Chances of me going to send her off will be low. I miss those days in class. Events like sports day were memorable. I still remembered my class got champion twice. One is for best class participation and the other one.. I am not really sure... The next thing i can think of will be the period during O Level. The last paper for O Level was MCQ Science Paper. After that, we took a class photo. This is the class photo
Sigh, the class is kind of scattered already. After the announcement of result, i think the class will be totally scattered... I really miss the good old times. xD Another day had passed...