I was awake at the 31 May 2009 at 1.15 am, doing tutorial and chatting. Yesterday was the last day of cashier and today was the first day of store hand. FREEDOM IS FINALLY MINE AT WORK. No need to wake up at 6 am in the morning. Phew, because of this, i lack of sleep big time. Feeling restless most of the time even in lecture or tutorial. I think i can have my 'gym' session at work instead of in school. Haha.. Although i was assigned tpo a counter, i barely even touch my cash register as i was doing the stock most of the time. My sale for today was like less 1500 bucks? Usually, it will be around 3000 to 4000 bucks provided i was at the counter the whole time. I didn't care much about cashier position. It definitely feels greats when a job suits you. No more stressing over about the money that i short. Much relieve is brought to me. Thank god. Sigh, i can't type much for now. Still doing presentation...
29 May 2009
It was rather for me these 2 days. I enjoyed these 2 days despite feeling tired. Yesterday, Evangeline ( my gan-jie) graduated from her course. Just nice, i have no tutorial or lecture or what so ever. I was a free man yesterday (Yeah, i love that). Seeing people graduating, it make me feel that three years is really short. Right now, it is going to be six months have past. Isn't it fast? Will i get to graduate? As in, will things go smoothly for me? I saw some of the lecturers there and my mentor. Then i took some photos with her, she did not upload all as her laptop is having problem uploading the photos onto her facebook.

Hehe. Nice bunny's ears? Haha... As for today, i had 3 hours of lecture (boring) and 2 hours of Japanese tutorial (i stillnot giving up that easily). I was totally lost in the tutorial. More effort have to be put in and study style have to be changed. Still adapting. What's worst, my presentation changed from week 8 to week 7 which is next week. Never mind, let me once again wield my sword of courage and my shield of faith. The long journey have started. Am i prepared for it? I have no idea for now.....
22 May 2009
Once again, i got my butt pawned in Japanese lesson. I studied like half of the test only. It had been a week since the day i lost my phone. Life is really sucky without it. Lucky, i still have my laptop which relieve my burden. This week was rather chaotic for me. I did things last mintue. I skipped kick boxing yesterday just to study Japanese. I guess much more effort have to put in. I feel bad for one thing. I indirectly/directly sabotage my friend for getting a D for her lab report. I was not alert enough to spot that mistake. Damn my stupidness. I just hate it when my friends around got affected by me in the negative way. Screw this, I hate it. Where is the me that strive for the best in my work? Where is that me in secondary school that always on? I need to fine tune myself. Why did it happen? I am very disappointed with myself.
This is the translation for the song titled 'Meteor' in Gundam SEED series.
This is the translation for the song titled 'Meteor' in Gundam SEED series.
My flawed heart still embraces the night, even as it burns out |
The light is freed and falls through the sky, sacrificing its warmth only for hope |
If the sin that falls and covers everything turns to kindness, and if a thorn could become a smile |
Like the unheard scream of a flower before it falls |
The grief and the light are swallowed up by the waves, and in the midst of all this pain, you awaken |
Pouring my life into this; with whatever wings you have left - I'm begging you, please wrap me up in them |
20 May 2009
I think today's got to be the most whackiest day of my campus life. I played Left 4 Dead with my friends. Lots of whacy things happened. We played Verus mode. Lots of stupid, funny and whacky things happened. I even got killed through a funny way. Intially, we started from the safe room. The safe room supposed to be safe but some how, TANK (super zombie) spawned inside it. It was my friend, Guo Wei who was the TANK. The 4 of us was running like mad in the safe room. We ran like playing merry-go-round inside the room. Now come to think of it, i still find it funny. Then around 4.30pm, Fhamy and i went to the campus's gym. I went in to train my arm muscles. After that, we went back at 5 plus. While we were making our way out, we saw Jia Chun playing floorball for a while only, We saw her like 5 seconds later, the game ended. Then Fhamy and i were outside the campus waiting for Sherry, then Sherry called Suhaimi asking him where is he. In the end, i went to the library to play L4D and counter strike with them. Once again, funny moments happened again. I really had enough of fun for today. Haha...
16 May 2009
In my workplace, I have a freaking whacky supervisor. Make it 2 supervisor. Their names are Eric and Adin. Adin is not really as whacky as Eric. Eric likes to use F word and others. I asked him why he keep using it and he replied me that it is a way to express himself. My first impression of him is that he was way 'expressive'. Then there is a photo of all the supervisor and the manager on the way into the NTUC. I saw his photo. It was way outstanding. His pose was informal i think. He had his both hand on the waist and he smiled until i can't really see his eyes. I saw the new manager today. I finally know why some of the suppliers asked me if there is a change in manager and why Eric also have a similar reaction as well. The new manager was pretty. I assumed that she is in her 30's by juding her look. She is like ' WOW' to the supplier and Eric. I wasn't interested although i was looking at her as well. I was wondering who is she as i did not have a slightest clue until i walked into the manager's office to check for Tiger beers' free gift. My main attention was at the cash register. Actually i almost didn't turn up for work today until Karen (supervisor for cashier) called me. Then i realised i was mixed up the dates for work. I thought i working on Sunday morning but actually i was working on Saturday morning. Haha. Looking my desk... It looks really depressing with all the works piling on it... Think i better go finish as fast as possible..
15 May 2009
I wasn't myself today. This is partly due to the fact that i am not feeling well. I sat for 2 hours of lecture, feeling restless. I was like having a fever. I listened to the lecture. I think about 60% is not registered in my brain. During the 2 hour break in between, i went to play Left 4 Dead and DOTA. I didn't have lunch as i really have no appetite to eat anything. During the 2 hour break, i didn't know Kaijie was looking for me (this is because i lost my phone and he can't contact me). He even left offline message hoping that i will get to see the message. Unfortunately, i didn't see it. After the break, i felt even more restless. I just wanted to go home and rest. After enduring for another 3 hours, i finally managed to go home. But i stayed awhile to play Left 4 Dead with a classmate in Japanese class. I really enjoyed playing with him. Finally, i can feel the coordination. Playing with computer can be really a bad idea cause you can't communicate with the computer. After that, i went home with Nicole and Nicholas. On the way home, i feel so relaxed. My mind was like not thinking of anything else but resting. Mentally exhausted...
14 May 2009
One day without my handphone, it is very weird. It is very inconvient. All my songs inside my phone gone, contacts have to be re-key, unable to contact people ( this is the worst of all). If i didn't rush on Wednesday, my phone will still be with me. I bought it with my pay and now i lost it. The feeling is really depressing. Right now i am waiting for one week to see if my phone can be find. But i know chances is very low until i can don't need to think about it. I want my NOKIA 6500 BACK T.T . I got my O Level certificate and my testimony today. Acutally i should get it long time ago. But i was blur and didn't ask my friend about it. Haha... I learnt some kicks during training for kick boxing. I also got my attire today xD. I really do not have the mood to write much, i guess i stop here.
12 May 2009
Maths lecture is the start of the day. The lecturer is like my secondary school maths teacher. He is way funny. He cover on the topic of function. Although it is a topic from secondary school, i still listen to him. Then physical chemistry... Hehe... The tutorial i only do a few question, the rest i copied from Guo Wei. Muhaha. During the tutorial, i went to check my Facebook and MSN to check if there is any mail. Well, there is a mail in Facebook. It is from my class mentor. He was wondering if there is anyone interested in taking part of the SAF marathon. I asked the class in between the break. Unfortunately, response were poor as all were not interested. This may be there is not much detail of the run. So i replied to our mentor, asking him for the detail. Then after Microbiology A which is the last thing of the day, Mr How ( our mentor) was outside the lab. He told me that he sent me the details for the run ( actually it is the website of the run). He told me that he was expecting like 4 or 5 people joining. Then i went to the library and slack awhile before going home. Around 11 plus, there is an auntie who work at the same branch as me want me to help her out by taking her afternoon shift. I rejected her because it will be freaking rush for me.... Sigh...
9 May 2009
Lousy way to start your weekend is to work in the morning like 6.30am or 7am. I had to drag my body out of the bed. Last night, it was rainning. What a perfect condition to sleep in XD. Then slowly washed myself up. I working from 7am to 2pm. I have no break at all. This really sucks. Then i short 9.30 bucks but luckily i need not pay cause my overall sale reached 4.6k plus. Haha. I was rather lucky. I went jogging with my friend who used to work at the same NTUC i am working at. I have to start train up my body. Then at night, i treated my mother to dinner.... Then at night when i was sleeping, I had a pain at my forehead. This pain i had resulted me to be awake. SIgh....
8 May 2009
Yesterday was a tiring day but i like it. I went for kick boxing yesterday. Kaijie, Leon and I went for the kick boxing. This reminds me of the days in the secondary school NCC's days but it wasn't a mermorable one. We learnt the basic like punchs and kick. Maybe not really a kick.. I think i going to stick with kick boxing. Then there is some practise seesion for us to practise our punch and kicks. Then the instructor came in front of me and lifting his hands in a position to allow me to punch. I was kind of scare that i will hurt him.. Then he told me not to worry but give him my best shot. So i went ahead and punch. First round, i was inbalanced then i was corrected by him. After 3 rounds, he walked away and said that his both hand feeling the pain. Then for the kick, the first round my hand was in the wrong position as in my arms was supposed to block. Then i reached campus at 8.45am cause i lending my friend my laptop. Her lesson end at 10am which almost resulted in getting me locked out of the lab. PHEW! Then i worked with Tsz Ting for the Physical Chemistry experiment (not really a experiment). I reached home at 11 plus. I had a heavy MAC dinner in campus. This is partly due to the fact that i didn't have my lunch. Haha. Microbiology A is next, i was kind of blur in the lecture. I guess i have major reading to do. Lastly it was Japanese Language. I didn't know there is a quiz for it. I guess no need to explain, you guys should know what is the result. Also, i didn't know that there is a homework for it. Gosh, i didn't do it. I asked the teacher if i can hand in before the lesson on monday. Luckily, he said okay. PHEW!!! I was not the only one, haha. AW, my body is aching. I must really go back to train my body again. Aw... That hurts... Works still piling.... Oh boy..
5 May 2009
I think i had the whackiest lecture . First lecture was Maths For Life Science. The speaker was very funny. The way he carry out his lecture was fuuny but it did catch my attention. Although what he taught is mostly secondary school things, i still can listen to him attentively. He is a bit blur. The textbook wrote -2 yet he wrote 2. The maths lecture today is mainly focused on the secondary school maths things. As for Microbiology A, i really suck at this module. The experiment the class did today, i really screwed it up. I can't get the result. Gram Stain was the worst part, i totally can't a view of it. The Acid Fast done by Kaijie, it was successful. Most people actually get a view but i didn't. I was really disappointed. Worst, the first lab report i did got a C+. Sometimes what we sow may not be what we reap... I feel happy for those who get A's and B's for their lab report... I guess more effort have to be put in... This is just the beginning.. Warm-up session over, time to get serious...
4 May 2009
Week 3 started and it started with a slacky day. There is no tutorial for inorganic chemistry. We sat in the room until it is about time then we move to our next class. Communication skills is the next class. I forgot to bring the note for this class and i also didn't do. Haha. The campus had started taking temperature for everyone. But it is way faster than secondary school. Last time in secondary school, we have to use stupid thermometer to take temperature. In our campus, we have the equipment used in the airport to take temperature. Life is so much easier with this. There is one thing i don't like, we have to take 2 times a day. One in the morning and the other one in the afternoon. I think it is kind of troublesome. Oh well, prevention is better than cure. My landyard was spoilt thanks to my friend in NTUC. They played with my landyard and it snapped. I have to buy it today. One thing that 'impressed' me that is only 75 cents for the landyard and i have to pay by NETS. What in the world man =.=lll Small amount also use NETS pay... I went to Block E thinking that my bus card will be ready for collection as the lady who was at the passenger service counter told me. That auntie cheat my feeling, she told one week later then can collect but the card was not in the office. I have to wait for next monday. Actually, i planned to Adventure Club but i changed my mind today. Instead i decided to join kick boxing. Sorry Tsz Ting. Leon is so dead when he spar with me. Hehe. Then after Communication Skill, I have 2 hour break and then it is Japanese . We have a small quiz. I kind of flunked it. Sigh~ Hurdles didn't stop here, it only just began to increase. The 2 hour in Japanese seemed to be going slow during the lesson. I tried to listen. After Japanese lesson, i went home straight away... Lots of work piling on my desk... I'm trying to clear the stupid pile of work on my desk. Sigh, i guess it will be happy clearing session for me.
3 May 2009
Today i worked in the morning. Before i even start work, i knew something will screwed up my morning. True enough, it really happened. I went to the office to take temperature with my ear piece. I turned the volume to the max. My supervisor suddenly came in and talked. Of course, i still had my earpiece on. When i took my ear piece out, i only heard a part 'cleaning'. After she finished talking, she left. I thought she want me to clean the cloths for all the five counter and i went. After i finished cleaning, she saw me distributing cloths and she shouted at me. She actually want me to help her moving the goods out. Then i went to help her. I was totally fed up with her. She think that she is the superisver can scold workers in the morning right. A small matter need to use shout to settle? As if i am not human. Before school starts, she arranged me to work in the morning (6.30am-2.50pm). Come on, i am not robot. Some aunties at my branch can work in the afternoon everytime. So what? Does that mean i have to work in the morning most of the time? At my branch, i think cashier is the worst group ever. Store is even better than cashier. Supervisor in charge of store treat his staff way better than cashier. Chief Cashier treating her cashier like craps especially the young one. When the work is over, i feel loosen up as in relax. Right now, the in-charge for store is helping me by asking the manager to see if i can transfer to store. By monday, i will get an answer. If it is a 'no', bye bye to them. By then, i will look for another job. Sigh~ Oh well, i have to focus on my studies first. Work is going to be aside from my brain soon...
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