11 Dec 2010

Recently, I watched a movie called 'The Sister's Keeper'. The main plot is whereby a girl name Kate was suffering acute promyelocytic leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. In order to save Kate, the parents decided to 'genetically engineered' a child. This child name Anna. From birth, Anna has been dontaing bone marrow, blood and umbilical cord to keep Kate alive. Till the age of 13, Anna was required to donate one of her kidney to keep her alive. However, once Anna donate her kidney, she might not be able to lead a normal life like playing soccer and be a mother. Anna filed for medical emancipation which will protect Anna from any transplant of her body parts. Of course, her mother was in rage and both of them fought the case in court. In the end, Anna won. During the trials, Anna had memory flashback of how close she was with her sister. Along the trials, a saddening truth unfolded. It turned out that Kate was the one who told Anna to filed for medical emancipation as Kate did not want to live any longer. Kate knew that Sara, her mum would not listen nor accept Kate's request. So Kate asked Anna to file for it. Sara broke into tears as she did not want to lose Kate.

While I was watching, I have these thoughts: 'How did my mum and dad feel when both of them were told that my dad had colorectal cancer', 'How did my mum feel when my dad moved on?' and others. Most of the question or thoughts was mainly revolved around my dad's cancer, my dad and my mum. While I was watching and thinking about those, I can't help it but to let a few tears dropped. It has been a long time since a tear dropped from my eye. I really miss him even though I have not much memories of him. The main reason I took this course and choosen the R&D track is to join the fight against cancer. One of my personal goals is to prevent family from suffering/breaking up by cancer. After watching this movie, I was more motivated to work hard to work towards my goals.