14 May 2010

Erm, I am pretty tired so I will make today's post into a question and answer.

Q: Does your blog post refers to everyone in your class?
A: Nope. Some people only.

Q: How are you feeling now?
A: Let's see.... Uncomfortable? Restricted?

Q: Do ever quarrel with your friends?
A: Sometimes... But I would say sorry after that and we will patch up.

Q: If people say things about your friends, would you believe them?
A: Nope, I will ask my friend and check with others. Kind of a small scale investigation. Hoping to clear them name.

Q: Do you ever whack ladies/girl/woman as in fighting or hurt her?
A: Nope.

Q: Do you trust friends?
A: Yes 100%, why not?

Q: Are you 'whacking' your friend to bully them?
A: My 'whacking' is usually friendly but sometimes it is harsh. But generally, it is friendly. I have stopped recently. Now, I only do with PS people like HX who understands it.

Q: Why do you sit with the PS people when there is lecture combined with them?
A: Ask Lidya, she is my 'brother' who understands me.

Q: If there is any chance of patching things up, would you do it?
A: Yes, I would. I will never (ever x 10 to the infinite) want to lose a friend unless the situation is really bad.

Q: What do you mean by united class?
A: Never mind, that idea is being screwed. I only go for peace.
                                                  *End of Q&A*