I had 2 test today, E Maths and Chemistry Practical. I handles the Maths test qutie well but it is the practical that gave me the most trouble. I did not know what was the name of the substance i was given to find out. I did find out the chemical propertities of the substance. Tomorrow sure will get scolding from chemistry teacher. LAst week test was badly done which i heard from the teacher. I was told that i was below standard. My heart dropped instantly, I was utterly disappointed with my performance. I had lost hope for Social Studies Source Based Question. Every subject standard is different from last year. It had changed to a demanding task, a task which easily discourage people. Just few months, i will be through from all kinds of bullshit. I wished P.E lesson would still continue. I am still fine-tuning my brain and i am wondering when will i be doing my best performance. But the way, this is an music video on one of the song on Gundam Seed titled "Meteor" Hope you will like it.