7 August 2008

Today was my birthday. This morning, i woke up, kind of having dizzy spells which i didn't really bother. I reached school and put my bag in class and hanged around 4E1 class. After that, i went up to the assembly ground. At the parade square, my Co-Form teacher was taking attendance. When she was beside me, she talked to me about the question she posted on the school forum. I did the question as i happened to surfing the net and checking whether the school web portal had any assignments to do. I was feeling bored at that times, i went to checked out the forum and noticed there was a new post. I clicked it and found out that there were 5 question posted on the forum for my class. I answered all the question except question 3. The school had sang 3 times National Athem as the Discipline Master felt that it was not loud enough. Wasting Secondary 4 time, this time could have allow students to absorb more knowledge and do well for test. Never mind, Forget it.

First period was Additional Maths. My Maths teacher was going through some trigo question he gave yesterday. Currently, there are 1 question which was difficult as i had never encounter such question before. Second period was the Geography. The teacher was going O Level Specimen Paper with the class. I was kind of switch off as i was still thinking the A Maths question. After which was Chemistry class, she was going through 2 test which we took around last week i think. Finally, the best period of all is the recess. A time for my brain to rest.

After recess, i had an Accounts test on effect of Balance Sheet. I didn't really study for it as i was focusing on other subject which is weaker. Again, Maths lesson continue after Accounts. This time, he touched on the topic of graph, revising with the class for next Wednesday test. Then, Vice-Principal came into my class, talking about O Level. It is always the same old story so, my body was there but the mind went somewhere else. By the time Vice Principal talked finish, lesson left about 10 mins. He came in at 1335hrs and talked until 1400hrs. Last period was English. As our O Level Oral is next week, she gave us some picture and short story to practise. She also gave out our Common Test Composition. Well, i got 21/30. Sigh~ I went home to have lunch. Two of my friends without fail will come to my ouse and slack for about 45 mins before going back to school.

I got 2 hours of class after school. First hour was Physic, i got nagged as my Physic Practical was done quitely badly. That was not i had expected. Sigh~ After that, Chemistry lesson took place in Chemistry Lab 2 for me. The whole class of 60++ was doing practical. It was the 2005 O Level Science Practical Exam. Everything was a mess. Test result was also not i had expected. This exercise may be a failure for me. Sigh~ Around 8.15 pm, i received a gift from a friend. This gift was rather unusual. Luckily, tomorrow is National Day Celebration. Phew~ I need a break. This few days, i keep having dizzy spells. Sigh~~~ Throughout the day, Hafiz, Ivan and Chun Kai punched me. Luckily, there were no blue-black on my arm.